288 research outputs found

    Southern Adventist University Undergraduate Handbook & Planner 2016-2017

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    Southern Adventist University Graduate Handbook & Planner 2016-2017

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    Fiddling around the edges: mainstream policy responses to the housing crisis since 2016

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    Despite widespread recognition that housing is a serious social concern, policy responses have tended to be inadequate. After a brief review of the magnitude of the problem, this paper focuses on recent experience in the UK where, during a period of political volatility, housing has been the subject of significant government interventions, which in turn have provoked noteworthy reactions. However, the paper argues that all current mainstream housing policy proposals are limited by their adherence to the failed market model. Instead, a more radical agenda is proposed which draws on the UK’s successful record of public housing. The paper summarises some of the key Conservative government housing policies since 2016 - including the influence of the Grenfell fire - and discusses the Labour Party’s response. It particularly critiques the policies of London Mayor Sadiq Khan which relegate traditional council housing in favour of more income-targeted provision. A high-profile report by the housing charity Shelter is also considered because of its apparent reluctance to include explicit reference to council housing within its recommendations, at a time when, it is argued, there is renewed interest in non-market housing alternatives

    Vision-Based Close Formation Flight of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    Since cost of unmanned aircraft vehicles have decreased recently due to technological advancement, there has been a growing interest in developing and implementing systems for close formation missions. Our research objective is to investigate and implement low-cost vision-based tracking algorithms for such a flight formation. For the first technical objective (TO), we are developing an algorithm for vision-based tracking using a Raspberry-Pi hardware. For the second TO, we assembled a quadcopter to be equipped with a camera module and a calibrated flight control computer. In addition, the research team has performed flight testing to obtain video data of a flying marked quadcopter as a reference for developing the tracking algorithm. The final TO is to test-fly two quadcopters in close formation using vision-based tracking algorithm. Ultimately, this research will provide a reliable platform to further investigate formation flight capabilities, and to extrapolate the technology to a wide range of applications

    SciTech News Volume 70, No. 4 (2016)

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    Columns and Reports From the Editor 3 Division News Science-Technology Division 4 SLA Annual Meeting 2016 Report (S. Kirk Cabeen Travel Stipend Award recipient) 6 Reflections on SLA Annual Meeting (Diane K. Foster International Student Travel Award recipient) 8 SLA Annual Meeting Report (Bonnie Hilditch International Librarian Award recipient)10 Chemistry Division 12 Engineering Division 15 Reflections from the 2016 SLA Conference (SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend recipient)15 Fundamentals of Knowledge Management and Knowledge Services (IEEE Continuing Education Stipend recipient) 17 Makerspaces in Libraries: The Big Table, the Art Studio or Something Else? (by Jeremy Cusker) 19 Aerospace Section of the Engineering Division 21 Reviews Sci-Tech Book News Reviews 22 Advertisements IEEE 17 WeBuyBooks.net 2

    Importance of Safety in Public Parks for Crime Prevention

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    The goal of this portfolio is research based education regarding the importance of safety in parks for crime prevention. By exploring the growing importance between safety, public parks, and crime prevention, learning about all factors incorporated and supporting the subject are both keys in understanding the relationship as a whole. The urban and built environments, crime statistics and perceptions, safety audits, design, conditions, and various other factors contribute to the overall picture of safety

    Detection of traffic congestion and incidents from GPS trace analysis

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    This paper presents an expert system for detecting traffic congestion and incidents from real-time GPS data collected from GPS trackers or drivers’ smartphones. First, GPS traces are pre-processed and placed in the road map. Then, the system assigns to each road segment of the map a traffic state based on the speeds of the vehicles. Finally, it sends to the users traffic alerts based on a spatiotemporal analysis of the classified segments. Each traffic alert contains the affected area, a traffic state (e.g., incident, slowed traffic, blocked traffic), and the estimated velocity of vehicles in the area. The proposed system is intended to be a valuable support tool in traffic management for municipalities and citizens. The information produced by the system can be successfully employed to adopt actions for improving the city mobility, e.g., regulate vehicular traffic, or can be exploited by the users, who may spontaneously decide to modify their path in order to avoid the traffic jam. The elaboration performed by the expert system is independent of the context (urban o non-urban) and may be directly employed in several city road networks with almost no change of the system parameters, and without the need for a learning process or historical data. The experimental analysis was performed using a combination of simulated GPS data and real GPS data from the city of Pisa. The results on incidents show a detection rate of 91.6%, and an average detection time lower than 7 min. Regarding congestion, we show how the system is able to recognize different levels of congestion depending on different road use

    Evaluación de productividad de la mano de obra en la construcción de edificaciones utilizando el Sistema Last Planner - 2016

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    Si pudiéramos revisar las más importantes innovaciones la gestión del sector construcción es de vital importancia citar la filosofía Lean Construction, (el manual de OSLO nos da la razón ya que en sus artículos 178 y 179 nos indica: “Una innovación de organización es la introducción de un nuevo método organizativo que pueden tener por objeto mejorar los resultados de una empresa reduciendo los costes administrativos…”). Por lo que esta investigación intenta dar a conocer que el Lean Construction es una nueva filosofía orientada hacia la administración de la productividad y de la producción en construcción, cuyo objetivo fundamental es la eliminación de las actividades que no agregan valor (pérdidas). Para contribuir a tal fin, Ballard* y Howell** diseñaron un nuevo sistema de planificación y control denominado Last planner System (El Último Planificador), El objetivo de esta investigación es divulgar los conceptos y conocimientos así como una Metodología de implementación del Sistema Last Planner, un sistema que nos brinda cambios fundamentales en la manera de como los proyectos de construcción se deben planificar y controlar mejorando la productividad de la mano de obra en la construcción utilizando los recursos de manera eficiente, por lo cual en esta investigación se trata de mostrar todos los elementos que componen este sistema haciendo énfasis en el cambio de paradigmas que se debe hacer para mejorar los procesos administrativos y constructivos del sistema tradicional, y por consiguiente, obtener mejores resultados. Se ha tomado mediciones en una obra de la ciudad de Chiclayo tratando de obtener indicadores de la productividad de la mano de obra


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    The proper ICT infrastructure in the libraries can’t achieve the goal of a particular library unless it is supported by skilled manpower and dedication of the library professionals towards his/her duties. Library professional performs the role of collection development, organization of information resources, providing access to information resources, preservation of resources, advising and guiding the users, management and administration and also involvement in digital oriented services etc. The digital oriented technology has lead to designing new services as well as access to the navigation of electronic collection and other electronic resources. To meet the present needs library professionals have to perform various activities with the new technological environment. The authors have an attempt to identify the perception of ICT Skill and opinion among the college librarians in Assam during the pre-covid periods. A structure questionnaire has used to collect the primary data from the college librarians of Assam. The findings of the study revealed that the librarians have the sufficient ICT skills to manage the electronic resources and services

    Looma Lesson Planner

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    Looma Lesson Planner is a web application that allows its users, experienced educators, to select, organize, and present existing classroom materials and educational content in the format of a custom-made lesson plan. Looma, an all-in-one computer developed by non-profit organization VillageTech Solutions, is designed for school teachers in rural Nepal, India. It provides them with basic access to textbooks, activities, and digital media that may be relevant in meeting Nepal\u27s curriculum requirements. However, Looma did not initially include a simple interface for teachers to connect many different forms of content together into cohesive, custom lesson plans. Our application presents and organizes Looma\u27s existing content in an accessible, user-friendly manner, and allows the teacher to create reusable lesson plans from this content. The application utilizes HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MongoDB, and JavaScript to create a simple, user-friendly, WYSIWYG design. The application\u27s goal is to remove a key technical barrier that Looma currently poses on teachers, and to create a seamless classroom experience for the teachers and their students. Going forward, we plan on working with VillageTech Solutions to integrate our application with Looma\u27s operating system. Once we have completed this task, VillageTech Solutions will use Looma and our web application to conduct user testing with teachers in Nepal. We are also finalizing both a technical guide and a user manual for VillageTech Solutions that will outline our code structure and illustrate how to use the web application, respectively